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"Rethinking the Introduction to EU Law- Towards a De-Colonial Approach", part of CIVICA Tour d'Excellence

Picture of Yiola Solanke standing on a TEDxLondon stage
Thursday, September 21, 2023, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

The Excellence Tours organized under CIVICA Research aims to assert the scientific identity of the CIVICA alliance within the global academic community. 

Leading scholars are invited on a ‘tour’ whereby they give seminars and/or workshops across several CIVICA institutions. These events allow scholars to present their research, share their expertise, and meet with faculty and early-stage researchers at the host institutions. 

Excellence Tour at CEU

In this event, "Rethinking the Introduction to EU Law", we bring Professor Iyiola Solanke, Jacques Delors Professor of European Union Law, University of Oxford/ Fellow of Somerville College.


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Please note the Q&A will not be live streamed and we will not take questions from the online audience. 


‘Decolonisation' of EU law has the potential to constitute a starting point for current examinations of EU law.  What could this look like – what happens when we take decolonisation as the starting point for our introduction to EU law? Furthermore, how does this idea of ‘decolonisation’ amend the purpose, principles and practice that inform our research and teaching in EU law today? 

This event is sponsored by CIVICA and co-hosted by the Department of Public Policy and the Department of Legal Studies. 

Speaker Bio

Iyiola Solanke is Jacques Delors Professor of European Union Law at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of Somerville College. She was previously Professor of European Union Law and Social Justice at the University of Leeds Law School and the Dean for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for the University. She has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Hawai’I School of Law, Wake Forest University School of Law and Harvard University School of Public Health.  Professor Solanke is a former Jean Monnet Fellow at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and was a Fernand Braudel Fellow at the European University Institute. She is an Academic Bencher of the Inner Temple.

Her research focuses on EU Law and anti-discrimination law. Her work adopts socio-legal, historical and comparative methodologies to explore legal evolution and theory. She is the author of EU Law(CUP 2022), Making Anti-Racial Discrimination Law(Routledge 2011) and Discrimination as Stigma - A Theory of Anti- Discrimination Law(Hart 2017), as well as many articles in peer reviewed journals.

She founded the Black Female Professors Forum to promote visibility of women professors of colour, and the Temple Womens Forum North to promote engagement between legal professionals and students in and around Yorkshire. In 2018 she chaired the Inquiry into the History of Eugenics at UCL and she is currently leading two research projects: Co-POWeR, an ESRC-funded project looking into the impact of COVID on practices for wellbeing and resilience in Black, Asian and minority ethnic families and communities; and Generation Delta, a RE/OfS-funded project promoting access to and success in PGR study for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) women.

Other current projects focus on legal protection from weight discrimination as well as de-colonising European Union law.


This event was part of the CIVICA Research Excellence Tours which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101017201.

CIVICA Research





