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Book Launch: The Long Road Before Me by Ágnes Daróczi (Magvető Kiadó, September 2023)

Book Launch
The Long Road Before Me by Ágnes Daróczi
Sunday, October 1, 2023, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Based on a series of interviews by Angéla Kóczé, head of the CEU Romani Studies Program, this volume presents the life and works of Ágnes Daróczi, one of the most significant personalities of the Hungarian and international Roma emancipation efforts of the past half century, including rare photographs and historical documents from the Hungarian Roma civil rights movement.

Ágnes Daróczi's personal story is intertwined with the Roma civil rights movement. Poet, folklorist, cultural organizer, activist, journalist-editor, minority researcher and, above all, human rights fighter who, with all her weaknesses and mistakes, consistently fought against the national oppression of the Roma through the course of a succession of ideological regimes. For those who want to understand the decade-long resistance and trials of the regime-changing Roma intelligentsia, her biography and political legacy are of paramount interest. This one-of-a-kind autobiography offers a remarkable opportunity to understand the social history of the regime change from a Roma perspective.

The Long Road Before Me, was written based on eighteen long conversations between Angela Kóczé and Ágnes Daróczi, which were recorded between 2022-2023.  Part of the book series entitled Facts and Witnesses, this volume will be presented at the 28th International Book Festival Budapest on Sunday, 1 October at 2 PM at Millenáris (Budapest, Kis Rókus u. 16-20, 1024) in the gallery of building B (D épület: Üvegcsarnok).

The discussion will be chaired by journalist Alinda Veiszer.

This event is in Hungarian.

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The book was made in cooperation with the CEU Romani Studies Program program.

Order the book on-line here: