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Understanding Your Skills & Strengths (Doctoral)

Understanding Your Skills & Strengths (Doctoral)
Monday, October 30, 2023, 4:00 pm – 4:45 pm

How well do you understand yourself – your skills, your strengths, your values, your weaknesses?

Before planning your career development, it is useful to spend some time thinking about your capabilities, expertise, and areas in need of improvement. Whether you plan to work within academia or outside of it, being self-aware can help you to plan your development and make career decisions that are right for you. Not only will this enable you to be proactive and focused in finding professional development opportunities, but it will also help you remain flexible. It will mean that as your thoughts, plans and circumstances change, you will have the ability to adapt along the way.

During this webinar we’ll talk about the importance of self-awareness, how to be reflective, how to evaluate your skills and strengths, and how to plan your professional self-development. There'll be plenty of room for questions and discussion.

Please note this session is for Doctoral candidates only. If you and undergraduate or Masters student, please see our alternative event