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AUSTRIA BEHIND THE MASK: Politics of a Nation since 1945

Book Launch
Title, photo of lecturer, bio
Monday, November 6, 2023, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

About the book

Austria has been a European success story: after a devastating war and ten years of post-war occupation it has emerged as one of the EU`s richest member states, a symbol of social consensus and political independence at the heart of Europe. But in the 2020s the forward march of the far-right populist Freedomites (FPÖ) threatens the return of old demons: xenophobic racism and economic and political instability.

Corruption scandals and ongoing investigation of fraud at the top, close relations with Putin`s Russia have cast a shadow over neutral Austria and its reputation as a reliable EU partner.

What are the reasons for the decline of the traditional parties of the centre-left and centre –right and for the rise of the far right? Future political developments will largely depend on how Austrian society will react to the consequences of the multiple crises (energy, inflation, migration etc.) and whether the political elite will regain the confidence of the people. What happens in Austria reflects but also shapes political changes in Central Europe.  One must however remember that in contrast for example to Hungary or Serbia, constitutional safeguards are strong, print and electronic media are free   and the legal system guarantees the defence of liberal democracy.

About the author

Born in Budapest in 1929, Professor Paul Lendvai has led a prolific journalistic career. After facing imprisonment and unemployment due to political reasons, he became a political refugee in Vienna in 1957, later gaining Austrian citizenship in 1959.

Lendvai served as the Financial Times Vienna Correspondent from 1960 to 1982 and held key roles at the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF) until 1998. He co-published and edited the international quarterly journal, Europäische Rundschau, from 1973 to 2020.

Currently, he contributes as a weekly columnist for the Austrian daily, Der Standard, and leads discussions as the Head of ORF-Europastudio. Lendvai has authored 19 books on Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Hungary, and Austria, including award-winning titles like "The Hungarians" and "Orban: New Strongman of Europe." His latest work, "Austria: Behind the Mask – Politics of a Nation Since 1945," was published in the summer of 2023.


Note that registration is mandatory. This event will be followed by a wine reception.