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Discovering the Interconnections – Social Justice & Radical Diversity Trainings with focus on Trans*genders

Workshop details
Monday, November 13, 2023, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

This workshop delves into the intricate webs of intersectional power structures. Participants will embark on a journey to recognise their personal biases and understand their own roles within these complex interconnections. The ultimate goal is to empower individuals to stand against societal discrimination and act as responsible social actors, whether individually or collectively. An integral aspect of this training is understanding and fostering allyship with minorities, in this case, trans*gender identities.

We will discuss

  • the analysis and critique of power and domination relations,
  • recognising structural discrimination,
  • dealing with different forms of discrimination, the discrimination matrix and systemic intersectionality
  • an understanding of Discrimination Critical Diversity,
  • the idea of Radical Diversity as a horizon for action.

 We will discuss -What does trans*gender mean? What kind of different non-binary gender identities exist? What is the connection between intersectional power structures and trans*genders? How can I support non-binary trans*people or become an ally for them?

The workshop is open to all genders. 

The workshops take place on 13.11.2022 & 20.11.23 from 6pm to 9pm
Duration: 2 sessions of 3 hours each. We kindly ask participants to commit to attending both sessions. 

Format: After careful consideration and much trial and error, the
Online workshop will take place via ZOOM. So the online workshop can also be designed as dynamically as possible. Zoom link will be sent to registered participants. 


The Trainer

Blu Doppe is an educational trainer, Betzavta, anti-discrimination and diversity trainer, sex educator and trainer for Theater of the Oppressed. Blu has been giving (online) workshops on various queer_feminist topics for 8 years, mostly under the name queer_topia*.

(, fb: queer_topia*).

Registration: Registration is required, 20 spots available.