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Roma Rising Exhibition Opening

Chad Evans Wyatt Photography
Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

On behalf of the CEU Romani Studies Program, CEU Nationalism Studies, and the CEU Jewish Studies Program we cordially invite you to join us for the 

Roma Rising Exhibition Opening 15 November, 6-8 PM at CEU Vienna

Introduction to the Roma Rising Project
Date: Wednesday, 15 November 2023
Time: 6-7 PM
Location: QS A-415

Speakers: Chad Evans Wyatt, Exhibition Photographer
                   Anna Daróczi, CEE Project Representative
By RSVP Only/ Please RSVP Here: 

Exhibition Welcome and Viewing
Date: Wednesday, 15 November 2023
Time: 7-8 pm 
Location: CEU Library Cafe 

Welcome by Angéla Kóczé, Chair of Romani Studies Program
Open to the Public

This exhibition will be opening from public viewing at the CEU Library Cafe from 15 - 26 November 2023

About the Project: Consider the visual grammar of the "Gypsy" photograph. Exoticism, and "otherness" separating these people from their majority context. In the words of Czech Professor Miroslav Vojtĕchovský, these images are a theatre of grotesque characters, irreconcilably different, without redemption. Garish colour can further isolation.

RomaRising offers respectful black and white images of dignity, countering stereotype. Many among these souls are highly educated, and have capacity to function as government ministers and lead within society. Indeed, Mr. Ciprian Necula became State Secretary in the Ministry of European Union Funds, representing the Romanian Government. He is not unique.

Mary Evelyn Porter, educator, researcher, and writer produced oral narratives starting in Bulgaria, some 200 in all. Finally the last piece fell in place: hearing each individual's formational story. These narratives obviate "the tendency to define people of colour, rather than allowing them to speak for themselves." (Alina Şerban, Actor, Romania)

Alas, some of the most prepared Roma we encountered are sequestered to the "Gypsy Bubble" of Romani Affairs. Others, unable to deploy hard-earned degrees, seek locales where they are appreciated, allowing a normal life. Witness the obvious sense of freedom on the visages of those within the Canada folio.

RomaRising became a record of feminine empowerment. Time and again we encounter women of strength and achievement stepping onto the stage, and with impact.

RomaRising also has become an international community: participants from 14 countries met one another at the RomArchive rollout in Berlin, some for the first time.

RomaRising/EU was possible. Enthusiastic endorsement within the Roma and Sinti community was lost on European underwriting institutions. With notable exception, RomaRising is self-funded, at considerable sacrifice.

Our hope is that majority societies will come to recognise the vast talent in these individuals of RomaRising. They are found treasure within their societies. Regardless of their chosen paths, one discovers them to be superlative embodiments of our common humanity.

A note about the narratives: they are transcribed, as told to us by each participant. They are not journalism. As with the portraits, they occurred at a point in time.

We would like to mention Asen Mitkov, of Bulgaria. When introduced to us by Viktoria Petrova, we knew immediately here was the capable colleague we had always sought: a knowledgeable collaborator, who effortlessly facilitated multiple situations, be it by his spoken Romanes, his equilibrium, his empathy. Asen is at the heart of the project's final decade. -- Roma Rising project founders Chad Evans Wyatt and Mary Evelyn Porter


About the Photographer: Chad Evans Wyatt is a portrait photographer working in the Washington, DC area since 1976. Born of musician parents who worked in the pre-Civil Rights Era movement, and growing up in New York and Paris, his career began in the portrayal of people in the arts. He has photographed five US presidents, and innumerable public and private figures.

He came to Prague in 1993 in search of family long-silent behind the Iron Curtain. His 101: Artists in the Czech Republic project began immediately, and continued through 2000, when major exhibitions were mounted in Washington, and Prague.

RomaRising arose out of the 101. Its world-première occurred in Brno at the Muzeum Romské Kultury. This one-country project soon expanded to others. To date, there are portraits from nine countries; RomaRising has been shown in full or in part 60 times, in 13 countries, on 2 continents. The work continues.


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