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From teleology to communication: a lifetime of cognitive science

György Gergely
Friday, November 17, 2023, 9:30 am – 9:30 pm

We are organizing this very special conference and workshop on the occasion of Professor György Gergely's 70th birthday, celebrating a lifetime of achievement, of curiosity, of asking questions and searching for answers.

The event  From teleology to communication: a lifetime in cognitive science will take place on November 17, 2023 and we have invited scholars with whom he shares mutual research interests and with whom they have mutually influenced each other's work and scientific thinking. It will consist of talks by invited speakers, flash talks by former students of Prof. Gergely as well as a roundtable discussion. 


Conference program

9:30-9:40         Opening remarks

9:40-13.00       Session I

Talks by scholars who inspired and were inspired by the work of György Gergely

 9:40-10:25      Julian Jara-Ettinger: The representational structure of social cognition (chair: Gergely Csibra)

10:25-11:10    Elena Luchkina: How do socially contingent interactions create learning                                                     opportunities? (chair: Eugenio Parise)

11.10-11.30    Coffee break

11:30-12:15     Josep Call and Malinda Carpenter: Goal and perception attribution in the great apes (chair: Zsófia Virányi)

12:15-13:00    Dan Sperber: Rethinking ostension in an evolutionary, comparative, and                                                    developmental perspective (chair: Denis Tatone)

13:00-14:00    Lunch

14:00-15:40    Session II

Flash talks by former colleagues and students of György Gergely

14:00-14:10    Nazli Altinok: Born with manners: Életem budapesti fejezete

14:10-14:20    Tibor Tauzin: Infants' inferences about communicative information transfer

14:20-14:30    Szilvia Bíró: Social cognition and attachment: inspired by György Gergely's multifaceted research and theories

14:30-14:40    Katarina Begus: How infants shape their own learning (and how Gyuri shaped mine)

14:40-14:50    Q&A (Chairs Orsolya Koós, Ágnes M. Kovács, Ildikó Király)

14:50-15:00    Bálint Forgács: The sweet spot of high but imperfect: social cognition in the service of            communication

15:00-15:10    Eszter Somogyi: Do babies (or robots) know where they are tickled? How Gyuri inspired me to study infant body know-how

15:10 -15:20   Dóra Kampis: The role of others' perspective in infants' learning

15:20-15:30    Mikolaj Hernik: Teleological stance: a metaanalysis

15:30-15:40    Q&A (Chairs Orsolya Koós, Ágnes M. Kovács, Ildikó Király)

15:40-16:00    Coffee break

16:00-17:30    Session III

Interdisciplinary roundtable discussion to provide a broader outlook on his work, including philosophers, anthropologists, ethologists and cognitive scientists who have worked with György Gergely: Hanoch Ben-Yami, Vlad Namescu, Zsófia Virányi, Ágnes M. Kovács, Gergely Csibra, Günther Knoblich, Ildikó Király, Ernő Téglás. (Moderator: Csaba Pléh)

17:45-21:30    Reception
