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CIVICA for All: Intercultural Communication Workshop

Thursday, November 23, 2023, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

CIVICA for ALL and Intercultural Communication  

The aim of this workshop is to use the incredibly diverse student body of CIVICA institutions to build awareness of our own cultures, share intercultural examples and stories, gain insight into theories of cultural dimensions and  enhance intercultural communication skills through games, role plays and simulations. Participants are encouraged to bring their own stories, examples, experiences to have a truly interactive and informative training in an open and curious ambience. 

This training aims to serve as an introduction into intercultural communication. It can also be useful for participants who would like to learn about types of activities and methodology for delivering trainings on intercultural communication. 

At the end of the training participants will: 

  • Have a basic understanding of the key theories and concepts in the intercultural field
  • Be able to define how our own perceptions and cultural values influence our attitudes and behaviour
  • Gain awareness of how culture forms an integral part of international communication
  • Recognize when communication difficulties stem from cultural differences
  • Have enhanced skills in intercultural communication



Those students who would like to join CIVICA for All platform and learn more about other activities and events we are organizing, can do so by filling out this registration form. For more information check out What is CIVICA for All? - tutorial and CIVICA for All: A safe space for refugee and displaced students - testimonials.

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