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Chalkback Artivism as part of 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence

Meet Up
image of a chalk back on the street "a man put his hand on my boob here"
Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

This event is a collaboration with Catcalls of Vienna, an activist collective that empowers individuals to share their experiences of harassment*. We will echo these experiences across our campus pavements, writing down the actual words of harassment that members of our community have endured, messages , as a powerful testament to the realities they face.

The pavement messages serve as a stark, public reflection of the personal stories often silenced or overlooked. In a multitude of languages, we acknowledge and give voice to these narratives, standing in solidarity with survivors and advocates.

In addition to the visual display of activism, we will explore the legal avenues available in Austria for addressing and combatting street harassment. Representatives from Catcalls of Vienna will share their expertise and resources, equipping us with knowledge to effect change.

To participate, we encourage you to share your experiences in any language. Your messages will be the foundation of our collective statement against violence. Please submit your words through our form in the RSVP link.

Your voice matters—let it be heard.

This event is part of the Chalk Back an international youth-led movement committed to ending gender-based street harassment with public chalk art, digital media and education. 

Check out other events at CEU related to 16 Days of Activism here.

We understand that revisiting or sharing experiences of harassment can be distressing. Please know that support is available. Our campus provides confidential counseling and support services for all students and employees affected by harassment. We encourage anyone in need of assistance or seeking someone to talk to, to reach out to our Counselling team.

If you have faced harassment on campus we encourage you to contact our Ombudsperson Network.

We recognize harassment in all its forms and specifically acknowledge FLINTA (female, lesbian, intersex, non-binary, trans, and agender) individuals' experiences in our collective narrative against gender based street harassment.

Event cover image from Catcallsof.vie. Read more about them here.