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Empowering Civil Courage: Responding to Gender-Based Violence within the Framework of Austrian Laws and Women Specialist Services

Poster for workshop
Thursday, November 30, 2023, 11:30 am – 1:20 pm

In a world that strives for gender equality, it is imperative that we equip ourselves with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively when someone is experiencing gender-based violence. Join us for an engaging and informative workshop that focuses on "Civil Courage" and offers insights into how to react in accordance with Austrian laws and the available women specialist services.

Main facilitator: Maria Rösslhumer (AÖF/StoP)

Key Workshop Components:

1. Understanding Civil Courage: Explore the concept of civil courage and why it is a powerful tool in addressing gender-based violence. Discover how it empowers individuals to intervene, support, and advocate for victims.

2. Austrian Legal Framework: Gain a comprehensive understanding of Austrian laws and regulations related to gender-based violence. Learn how these laws can be used to protect and support survivors.

3. Women Specialist Services: Delve into the services specifically designed to assist women affected by gender-based violence. Understand the resources, support networks, and expertise available to survivors.

4. Practical Guidance: Acquire practical skills for responding to gender-based violence incidents. Learn how to offer immediate assistance, navigate legal channels, and connect survivors with specialist services.

5. Building a Supportive Community: Explore the importance of community support and solidarity in combating gender-based violence. Discover ways to engage your community in this vital cause.

By the end of this workshop, you will be better equipped to respond to gender-based violence incidents in a manner that aligns with Austrian laws and leverages the resources of women's specialist services. Together, we can foster a safer and more equitable society for all.