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Final Meeting of Religion Club for Fall '23

Picture of David Shulman
Monday, December 4, 2023, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Professor Shulman will give an informal talk on the present situation in Israel and the West Bank, sharing his personal experiences with the CRS community and all those interested. At present he and other activists of the group have a continuous presence in South Hebron to protect the inhabitants from the violence of the settlers and of the Israeli army, which threatens the communities with expulsion and have already vacated over twenty communities.

David Shulman is a renowned Israeli Indologist, emeritus professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, holder of the Israel Prize, the most prestigious Israeli state award for scientific activity, and a member of the activist group Ta'ayush (in Arabic: "Living Together"), set for protecting the Palestinian inhabitants of South Hebron and the Jordan Valley. Since many years, after almost each action of the Ta’ayush group, he publishes a report. In 2007 he published the book "Dark Hope: Working for Peace in Israel and Palestine" which is a collection of such reports written earlier. Later, he turned to digital media and so his reports are being published at the site "Touching Photographs" with the photos of Margaret Olin.

The meeting will be followed by a reception.

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