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It’s not that grey: recognizing patterns of sexual harassment with the Red Flag System

Sara Hassan portrait
Wednesday, January 31, 2024, 5:40 pm

The Office of Inclusion, Diversity and Equality invites you to the lecture:

It’s not that grey: recognizing patterns of sexual harassment with the Red Flag System.


by Sara Hassan / MA

Wed 31st January, 2024 / 17.40 hs QS Auditorium

Reception will follow

This lecture will explore the structures and fundamentals of abuse of power in institutions. How can we learn to spot patterns of power abusive behaviour and learn about common strategies and techniques perpetrators use? How does a particular social environment enable power abuse? How do victims’ reactions indicate power abusive dynamics? And what can bystanders do when they encounter situations of harassment around them? With the "Red Flag System", participants are going to learn about these four dimensions that constitute power abuse and how they interact. Through a case study, participants will familiarise themselves with the specific patterns and warning signs in the university context.

Bio / Sara Hassan, MA, has been working on gender-based violence in the form of sexual harassment, bullying, and abuse of power since 2015. After multiple years of working internationally in the field of political communication (including at the European Parliament and the Heinrich Böll Foundation), they now hold #metoo workshops based on the book “It’s not that grey”, published in 2020. With a Master's in Interdisciplinary Studies from New York University, Sara Hassan works as an educator, develops interactive learning modules, and collaborates with universities and organizations worldwide.