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Doctoral Defense of Csete Katona

Nicholas Roerich (Nikolai Rerikh): Guests from Overseas
Thursday, February 1, 2024, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

The doctoral defense will take place online

The Public Defense of the Doctoral Dissertation of Csete Katona on

Rus’ warriorhood. Warfare, society and culture in the Viking Age East (ca. 750–1050)

Examination Committee

Chair:          Matthias Riedl, CEU, History Department

Members:    Márta Font, University of Pécs, Department of Medieval and Early Modern History

Daniel Ziemann, CEU, Department of Medieval Studies

József Laszlovszky, CEU, Department of Medieval Studies (supervisor)

External readers and external members:

Neil Price, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

Jonathan Shepard, (formerly) University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

The doctoral dissertation is available for inspection on the CEU e-learning site. Should you wish to access it and/or join the defense contact Csilla Dobos (
