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Book Launch: Soul, Body, and Gender in Late Antiquity Essays on Embodiment and Disembodiment

Book Launch
Soul, Body, and Gender
Monday, February 12, 2024, 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm

On Monday, February 12, at 17:40 CET, join us in Room A-211 and online on Zoom to launch Soul, Body, and Gender in Late Antiquity: Essays on Embodiment and Disembodiment (Routledge, 2024), edited by Stanimir Panayotov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Andra Jugănaru (University of Bucharest), Anastasia Theologou (CEU), and István Perczel (CEU). CEU faculty and students will be joined by Jasmina Lukic (GENS, CEU), György Geréby (MEDS, CEU), Susan Visvanathan (Indian Institute of Science and Educational Research, Bhopal, India, online); and Ecaterina Lung (University of Bucharest, online) to discuss geographies of soul, body, gender, and sexuality in late antique history, philosophy, and theology. 

Reception will follow at 4th Floor A-B Lounge