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Between the War, Europeanization and Deoligarchization: Ukrainian Energy System Before and After 2022

Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

By combining historical institutionalist frameworks, energy materiality approaches, and theorization of policy transfer processes, this analysis will try to address two main tasks.

The first one is to provide a short-term update about relevant developments concerning the adaptation of the Ukrainian energy system to war activities, military damage of infrastructure and uncertain investment climate; the role of energy affairs in European integration of Ukraine; the changing power dynamics between the state and special interests as the result of external policy shocks and internal political agency.

The second broader purpose is in more middle-term tracing of the evolution of Ukraine’s energy system since its accession to the Energy Community in 2011 by taking into account three tendencies: the growing increase of security threats from Russia; the tensions between the norms of European liberalization model of energy markets and local entrenched interests; the transformation of spatial patterns of wider regional energy trading.


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