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Women's History Month | VOLVERTE A VER (TO SEE YOU AGAIN) Film Screening

Film Screening
film poster with description
Thursday, March 7, 2024, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

VOLVERTE A VER (TO SEE YOU AGAIN) a film by carolina corral paredes

Drinks and snacks to follow, Vienna, QS D002 Tier Room

About the Documentary


Lina, Angy and Edith, mothers and family members of disappeared loved ones, participate in the exhumation of more than 200 bodies that were buried in secret by the Morelos Attorney General during a failed war against organized crime. The documentary accompanies the women as they train in forensic expertise and dig up bodies of the disappeared. Their revelation is a chilling reality: Mexican authorities are involved in the disappearances and have surreptitiously buried bodies in mass graves.


It’s been more than ten years since Mexican authorities began destabilizing the country, fueling extreme violence under the guise of the “war on drugs”. Since then, nothing has improved and many Mexicans have been killed or gone missing and it is absurd to think about the veracity of such a war. It is very complicated to understand what is happening in Mexico. In the middle of such a horrific scenario we also began learning about the existence of mass graves. We heard they belong to “organized crime”, that ambiguous figure that is difficult to grasp. The story shows that the Forensic Offices were also involved in disappearing people, clearly through negligence, omission, laziness, and complicity. The authorities ensured to dissolve any trace or evidence of the organized crime by disappearing the bodies into these mass graves after they were killed. This film implicates the Mexican authorities, the forensic offices and the Attorney General of Morelos, in the large-scale burial of thousands of violently murdered people and shows the citizens themselves participating in the digging to find their relatives and the truth. Why didn’t the Mexican Authorities investigate those they buried? That is one of the questions the families of the victims are trying to answer. With every corpse unearthed, comes a complex story of corruption and impunity. This film shows the efforts of the families while the film team and I try to understand what really happened.

We will have the honor of having the online presence of the protagonists of the documentary for the post-screening discussion. 

The trailer is available at:

Organized by: Global Politics and Practice Research Group

Discussion moderator: Ana Pandal de la Peza, PhD Candidate