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HRSI Workshop: Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship

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Saturday, March 9, 2024, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Are you passionate about leveraging entrepreneurial strategies to address social challenges? If so, this workshop could be the perfect opportunity for you. Designed for both students and emerging professionals who are deeply concerned with social issues and are curious about the potential of starting a business as a solution, this full-day event welcomes you. The Human Rights Initiative (HRSI) invites participants from all backgrounds, whether you're an individual with a budding business concept or a member of a civil society organization eager to understand earned income models. No previous experience in social enterprise is required; we simply ask you to come equipped with your enthusiasm, innovative ideas, and any inquiries you might have.

The workshop will walk you through the basic concepts and characteristics of social enterprise and equip you with a few processes and tools to enable you to start planning your own business. It is designed as a practice-oriented interactive workshop, which will transfer knowledge as well as engage participants in creating their own plans.

Themes that will be covered

Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship:
Understanding the concept, its evolution, and the significance of combining
entrepreneurial principles with social impact, including case studies and real-world

Social Business Modelling:
Techniques for developing innovative business models that create both social and
economic value, with a focus on sustainability and scalability. - Case studies and best
practices illustrating successful social business models.

Impact Measurement and Impact Management:
Strategies for assessing and managing the social and environmental impact of social
enterprises, including respective reporting and communication.

Finance and Support:
Navigating the landscape of funding opportunities, investment models, and support
systems available for social entrepreneurs.

Impact Pitching:
Crafting compelling narratives and pitches to effectively communicate the mission,
vision, and impact of social ventures to stakeholders, investors, and the wider

This workshop is free. Please note that in case we have more applicants than places available, we will select participants based on the application forms.

Application Process
Applicants should fill in the Online Application Form before the March 7 2023, 10:00 CET.

Find application form here. 

About the Trainer

Dr. Constanze Stockhammer
Constanze Stockhammer is innovation and market research expert and worked for many years at
the Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development, specialising in innovative startups
and SMEs as well as innovation topics that also encompass a broad concept of innovation.
Prior to this, she worked for six years as an innovation researcher at HiTec, a research spin-off of
WU Vienna, where she was responsible for socio-economic research content as a senior
researcher in national and international research projects.
Having worked at SENA for many years, Constanze Stockhammer is a recognised expert in the
field of social entrepreneurship and impact management. She has designed and led numerous
workshops and training sessions on related topics, which were primarily intended to provide
social innovators and social entrepreneurs with the necessary skills and tools to realise their
social mission financed by a sustainable business model.

The Social Entrepreneurship Network Austria (SENA) is the non-profit organisation representing
the interests and networking platform of Austrian social entrepreneurs. The main focus is on
supporting and promoting social entrepreneurs in Austria. The aim is to be the umbrella
organisation and first point of contact for social entrepreneurship in Austria. SENA supports
social entrepreneurs in setting up, financing and growing their businesses by providing advice,
training and further education programmes, events and networking activities. It also aims to
increase the visibility and understanding of social entrepreneurship in politics, business and
society and to build up a corresponding ecosystem.