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Career Talk: Stephanie Cox (Former Member of the Austrian Parliament, Children and Youth Lead at Ashoka)

Stephanie Cox
Tuesday, March 12, 2024, 12:45 pm – 1:30 pm

During this event, you will get a unique opportunity to get a glimpse of the inspiring career of Stephanie Cox. Born in Sidney Australia, Stephanie has lived in Austria since she was a child, and studied cultural and social anthropology with a focus on economic and organizational anthropology at the University of Vienna.

Stephanie began her career as an independent consultant and coach for start-up companies and also worked as a researcher and lecturer, moderator, and organizer of events such as the Rise Up Summit in Cairo or the DNX Global in Berlin, and also co-founded one of the biggest job fairs for refugees in Europe called ‚chancel:reich‘.

At the age of 28, Stephanie served as a Member of Parliament (2017-2019), in the role of Spokesperson for Digitalization, Education and Equality. Some of her notable areas of focus were demands for an inclusive and equal education system and the development of an Austrian strategy for the use of artificial intelligence.

Since September 2022, Stephanie has been the Children and Youth Lead for Ashoka, with a mission to empower every young person to self-identify as a Changemaker.

During this talk, Stephanie will share her experiences as a Member of Parliament, entrepreneur and consultant, and she is open to answering questions you might have regarding her career, motivations or priorities.

Please submit your questions to Stephanie on the sign-up form.

Important: the event is held on-line - use this link to join