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Doctoral Defense - Daniel Muth: Pathways to Stringent Carbon Pricing: Configurations of Political Economy Conditions and Revenue Recycling Strategies

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Thursday, March 14, 2024, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

You are cordially invited to the Doctoral Defense of Daniel Muth (Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science, Public Policy track).

"Pathways to Stringent Carbon Pricing: Configurations of Political Economy Conditions and Revenue Recycling Strategies"

Defense Committee: 

Florian Weiler (supervisor, CEU)
Evelyne Hübscher (CEU) 
Paula Mónica Castro Pareja (external member, Zurich University of Applied Sciences) 
Carsten Schneider (chair, CEU)


The defense will take place in person. Only if you'd like to attend as audience and can't be in Vienna, please click on More Information, on the right side of this page, and register your email account, we'll share with you a zoom link to follow the defense remotely.