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Reshaping the World: Public Preferences between the Polycrisis and the Anthropocene

Francesco Nicoli
Thursday, March 21, 2024, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Reshaping the World: Public Preferences between the Polycrisis and the Anthropocene

The current polycrisis poses a serious challenge for international organizations that increasingly focus on it, and even more so for regional political institutions that cannot retrench behind their narrow functional mandates. How should the European Union navigate its course by adapting its policy design and institutional arrangements to the environmental and other challenges? Connecting two strands of professor Nicoli’s work – (poly)crisis and experimental studies of public preferences – he will focus on the mechanisms of public opinion with respect to the global, European, and national transformations.

Francesco Nicoli is assistant professor of Political Economy at the Politecnico in Turin, as well as adjunct professor at Gent University, affiliate fellow at the University of Amsterdam and non-resident fellow at the Bruegel Institute in Brussels.

His work covers the three-way interaction between structural changes, public opinion, and institution building, especially but not exclusively in the context of European integration. He is co-editor of two special issues for the Journal of European Public Policy, as well as the 2020 special issue of the Journal of Common Market Studies. His work has also appeared on European Union Politics, on the Journal of European Integration, on Economic Policy, the European Journal of Public Health, and others.

The event will be followed by a small reception.