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Second 5-Minute Thesis Presentations

Friday, March 22, 2024, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Philosophers are invited to present a thesis:

  • Maximum 1 slide (only if necessary).
  • Maximum 5 minutes to present.
  • Optional 5-minute question time afterwards (pending number of participants).
  • All philosophers welcome: professors, postdocs, PhDs, MA, undergrads.
  • Related researchers welcome, e.g. relevant political science or history. 
  • All projects welcome: Book proposals, PhD dissertations, PostDoc research proposals, MA theses, term papers, etc. 
  • Any stage of development welcome.

The Objectives:

  • Increase community ties.
  • Develop one's ​'elevator pitch'.
  • Help your peers get to know what you are working on.
  • Receive feedback on your work.
  • Connect with other scholars who work in your area.
  • Practice public speaking. 
  • Practice communicating 'what it is you exactly do' to friends and family.
  • Have fun. 

Anyone interested, please email Liam at

The presentations are followed by juice & wraps in the QS 4th Floor A-B Lounge.

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