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Workshop Part 1 | Nonviolent Communication based on M. Rosenberg PHD

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Friday, March 22, 2024, 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Are you tired of communication breakdowns and conflicts derailing your projects and relationships? Are you interested in being a leader who can communicate with empathy, diffuse tense situations, and find common ground even during disagreement? Want to unlock the secrets to building stronger connections, both personally and professionally? Join us for an engaging workshop on Nonviolent Communication (NVC)! 

Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) is an approach that has proven useful in peacefully and effectively resolving conflicts in personal, organizational, and political settings worldwide.  

Imagine being able to express your thoughts and feelings authentically, while also understanding and respecting the perspectives of others. It's not just about resolving conflicts; it's about fostering collaboration, empathy, and mutual understanding in every interaction whether it be group projects, leadership roles, relationships.  

In this workshop, you'll get to know the principles of NVC and can get a first taste of its connective potential. Using NVC allows us to find our authenticity AND empower us to ask for what we want, in alignment with our values, but not at the expense of others. WIN WIN is our aim. 

The workshop will happen over two days, attendance on both days is mandatory. 

22 March 2024 5.30-8.30 PM
23 March 2024 10.00-2.30 PM

Room: B505

What we will offer in the workshop: 

  • The principles of NVC 

  • How to create connection/disconnection to myself and others 

  • The power of empathy  

  • Getting across my message in a way that it is likely to be heard 

  • Stepping into dialogue 

Short theory inputs will be followed by interactive activities and practice on your examples from your everyday life. 


Gabriele Grunt 

  • Lecturer at the University of Vienna, Center for Teachers Education 

  • Trainer for Communication and Conflict resolution 

  • Trainer and facilitator for restorative justice approaches and practices 

  • Certified Trainer for Nonviolent Communication ( 

  • Mediator using NVC method 

Deborah Bellamy 

  • Manager/Trainer for Further Education Development 

  • Trainer for Communication and Conflict resolution. 

  • Visiting Lecturer at educational colleges 

  • Insight Discovery Practitioner 

  • Certified Trainer for Nonviolent Communication 

  • Mediator using Nonviolent Communication method