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Instrumental Goals: How much is Enough?

Carl Knight
Monday, March 25, 2024, 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Sufficientarianism holds that everyone should be provided with “enough,” or a sufficient amount of goods such as welfare, resources, or capabilities. But how much of these goods is enough? Sufficientarians typically say that people should be provided with enough goods for some goal, such as contentment, compassion, dignity or needs, to be satisfied. These sufficientarian goals could be understood as fundamental, i.e., as having value for their own sake, or as instrumental, i.e., as serving some other goal. This chapter focuses on the instrumental interpretation of sufficientarian goals. It clarifies the distinction between fundamental and instrumental goals, gives conditions for instrumental goals, and sets out some instrumental goals that satisfy these conditions.

Note: This is a pre-read seminar. Please email to receive a copy of the draft.

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