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Direct Action

Thursday, April 18, 2024, 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm

19th Annual Doctoral Conference (ADC) Keynote Lecture


Enzo Rossi is an Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam and co-director of the Challenges to Democratic Representation Programme Group. He is also a co-editor of European Journal of Political Theory.

At the focus of Dr.Rossi’s research lays the issue of how power distorts our understanding of social reality, and what that says about the legitimacy of social and political institutions. Dr. Rossi maintains that “ethics first” moralistic political theory often misses what's most important about politics and is at risk of ideological distortion. Therefore, he sees his work as contributing to the radical realist research programme: an approach that is suspicious of moral argument in politics and embraces empirical evidence, but without foreclosing far-reaching social and political change. 

Dr.Rossi’s recent works has appeared in venues such as the American Political Science Review and The Journal of Politics.  He has held various grants as (co-)principal investigator provided by amon others, (Dutch Research Council Vidi, Gerda Henkel Foundation etc), and as a member of consortia (EU FP7 and Horizon schemes, and others).

 He obtained his PhD in philosophy at University of St. Andrews.


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