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European Parliament Elections: What the Result Might Mean for Europe's Future

Panel Discussion
Monday, April 22, 2024, 6:15 pm – 7:45 pm

Hosted by Bocconi University for CIVICA

As Europe prepares for the 2024 elections of the European Parliament in June, global tensions, climate protests, and sluggish economic growth dominate public discourse. European voters seem increasingly polarized on how to deal with these challenges, and their vote choices will likely reshape the composition of the European Parliament. This panel brings together European thought leaders to discuss the implications of the elections for the EU's future.


Catherine De Vries, Dean for International Affairs and Professor of Political Science at Bocconi University

Sylvie Goulard, Vice President of the Institute for European Policymaking at Bocconi University 

Isabell Hoffmann, Senior Expert, Project eupinions, Bertelsmann Stiftung