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Doctoral defense of David Rockwell

Part of a sixth-century mosaic featuring the Emperor Justinian I in the Basilica of San Vitale, Ravenna
Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Dissertation title: Justinian’s Conniving Bankers Lobbying and the Imperial Bureaucracy in Sixth-Century Byzantium

Examination Committee

Chair:          Attila Ferenczi, ELTE, Latin Department

Members:    Baukje van den Berg, CEU, Department of Medieval Studies

                   Volker Menze, CEU, Department of Medieval Studies (supervisor)

External readers and external members:

                   Peter Candy, University of Cambridge, St. Catharine's College

                   Anthony Kaldellis, (formerly) University of Chicago, Chicago

The doctoral dissertation is available for inspection on the CEU e-learning site. Should you wish to access it and/or join the defense contact Csilla Dobos (