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Belonging to CEU - talking circle series: May 8, 22, and June 12

University Life
Erasmus Belong
Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 5:00 pm – Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 7:00 pm

Belonging to CEU: Pasts, Presents and Futures  Talking Circle Series

What does it mean to belong to a community? What are the stories, memories, identities, values, needs and visions that inform our everyday lives and practices at CEU? These sessions explore individual and collective ways in which we relate to the University using participatory and creative techniques, such as the talking circle, brainstorming popcorn rounds, using the space in the room to see how different aspects of an issue relate to one other, ways of focusing our attention on a specific topic, playful nonverbal exercises and more. By working together in a talking circle format to ensure full and democratic participation, we reflect on and map out three dimensions where our personal and communal being intersect: what we carry forward from the past, how we are in the present and what we may envision for the future. Talking circles offer a safe space to express a diversity of viewpoints around issues of shared concern. In everyday conversation we might have often reflected on the challenges the University has faced over the last few years, in the talking circle we can weave these fragments into our shared story and may also discover unexpected truths, creating a common ground. Our aim is to gain deeper insight into what may connect us, as well as to bring into conversation voices and experiences that have been out of sight, creating opportunities to draw on already existing bonds and build new understanding for more accommodating, more caring modes of being and being together. This exchange of viewpoints in the circle may also bring relief of tensions some of us might be experiencing. Furthermore, knowing precisely where we stand as a community allows us to project a shared vision of the future.

Dates and times:

Session #1: Exploring pasts - Wednesday, 8 May, 17:00 - 19:00 - room: B321 Senate Room II

Session #2: Engaging presents - Wednesday, 22 May, 17:00 - 19:00 - room: B321 Senate Room II

Session #3: Envisioning futures - Wednesday, 12 June, 17:00 - 19:00 - room: B321 Senate Room II

Sessions last for approx. 2 hours each and are open to all community members including students, academic and administrative staff. Participation in all three events is encouraged. We would be grateful if you could signal your participation by May 1st so the circle keepers can plan the circles accordingly.


Boróka Béni is a circle keeper with a background in clinical psychology and mediation. She was the initiator and professional leader of the Restorative Circles for Citizens in Europe project (2016-18), a series of talking circles in 9 EU cities on the topic of euroskepticism. She holds an admin position at the CEU Pro-Rectors' Office, has been with the uni since 2018. Her style is influenced by Native and African American restorative, and Tibetan mind training traditions.

Erzsébet Strausz is Assistant Professor in the Department of International Relations. She researches everyday transformations, focusing on knowledge practices that enable personal growth, creativity and well-being in and beyond the classroom. In her research and public engagement practice she has worked with a range of reflexive and meditation-based techniques to facilitate integrative, embodied ways of seeing, sensing and making sense. She also collaborates with artists, NGOs and communities in co-creating empowering processes.


The event-series is part of CEU's activities organized within the Erasmus BELONG Project.

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