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Job talk: Delving Into the Rabbit Hole: (Mis)information Uptake and Political Mobilization by Anna Berg

Job Talk
Anna Berg
Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:15 pm

How do people come to embrace “alternative facts”? And what role does digital transformation play in the emergence of populist protests and Europe’s shift to the right? This talk delves deep into the rabbit hole, looking in particular at alternative news networks that have emerged in the German digital information environment. Through a dual comparison study—between supporters of the German right-wing populist party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) and protesters against COVID-19 measures, and between East and West Germany—I analyze how engagement in these networks shapes participation in contemporary political movements where questions of right and wrong information are so contentious. Focusing on media and its usages, I argue, can offer new insights into pressing issues such as the age of "post-truth" and support for populist politics. It also prompts us to reassess foundational concepts for understanding political processes, including political mobilization and party-voter linkages.

Anna Berg is a PhD candidate at the University of Chicago, specializing in cultural and political sociology. She is presently researching the impact of alternative media on recent populist political mobilizations in Germany, using interview and ethnographic methods. Her research interests include the Far-Right, New Media, Populism, Political Epistemology, Political Emotions, and Secularism.

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