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Dmytro Dontsov's Personal War Against Russia

Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

Dmytro Dontsov was not only the chief ideologist of the Ukrainian iteration of integral nationalism but also a steadfast critic of Russian "messianic" imperialism across its various manifestations – be it Tsarist, Communist, or "liberal". Throughout his lifetime, the struggle against Russia remained his central political tenet, one he even heralded as the collective ideal of the Ukrainian people. While formerly perceived as hyperbolic, some of Dontsov's assessments and prognostications are now materializing. What aspects of Dontsov's strategy in countering Russia were correct, and where did he go wrong? The ongoing war instigated by the Russian Federation against Ukraine has again made this issue relevant, and not only in an academic sense.