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The Migration Turn and Biopolitical Panics in East and South-East Europe in the Era of Globalization

picture of Attila Melegh, event on May 27 at 2:00 pm
Monday, May 27, 2024, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Please join us for a workshop with Attila Melegh, Karl Polanyi Visiting Professor for spring/summer 2024.

The workshop provides a comprehensive historical  overview of the global, European and regional development of demographic and migratory processes, care and redistribution from the point of view how marketization led to a migration turn and how a multilevel analysis can help in understanding Eastern European developments.  The workshop will also utilize the discursive analysis of a wide range of global and local policy documents, academic texts and discursive materials related to population development and migration globally and regionally in order to see from where population discourses have been evolving related to material changes. Speakers will discuss and reinterpret discursive changes and demonstrates that the marketization (reification) of thinking about migration has led to the polarization of debates and the current conflicts leading to the rise of anti-migrant nationalist blocks in Eastern Europe.

About the Vienna Karl Polanyi Visiting Professorship: "Inspired by Karl Polanyi, the Hungarian-Austrian critic of market fundamentalism, the Vienna Karl Polanyi Visiting Professorship stimulates debates on burning issues of the 21st century – from Covid-19 to climate crisis. By inviting renowned international scholars with an interdisciplinary outlook it aims at exploring pathways to put the economy in its place. The Vienna Karl Polanyi Visiting Professorship is a cooperation project of University of Vienna, Vienna University of Economics and Business [WU], Central European University [CEU]), the International Karl Polanyi Society (IKPS) and the Volkshochschule Wien (VHS Wien) and is supported by the Vienna Chamber of Labour and the City of Vienna."

The workshop will take place from 2:00-5:00 pm and will be followed by a wine and finger food reception.

Event Agenda:

2:05 pm - Introductions

2:30- 3:45 pm - Demographic and migratory change - comments from speakers followed by open discussion

3:45-4:00 pm - Coffee Break

4:00 - 5:15 pm - Migration and marketization - comments from speakers followed by open discussion

5:15-6:30 pm - Reception

This event is organized in cooperation with the Karl Polanyi Society in Vienna, University of Vienna and Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien.