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Teach-in Series - Theorizing Injustice: 'The War on Antisemitism' by Dr. Anna-Esther Younes and Dr. Antony Lerman

teach in
Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Tuesday, May 28th, 4 pm 

The War on Antisemitism - Dr. Anna-Esther Younes and Dr. Antony Lerman

(Speaker will be online)

Anna Younes (she/her) is a researcher who worked on "researching up to race and Whiteness" in Germany during her PhD, entitled "Race, Colonialism and the Figure of the Jew in a New Germany". Therein she ethnographically studied the so-called "New Antisemitism" Discourse as it developed in Germany in predominantly educational seminars targeting white Germans, mainly. What she calls the "War on Antisemitism". She also works on settler colonial studies, psychoanalysis and is these days researching the ecological afterlives of settler colonialism on the Caribbean island of Saba. 

Antony Lerman  is a British author and researcher living in London who writes on antisemitism, other racisms, Israel andPalestine, multiculturalism, Jewish affairs and the place of religion in society. He is a Senior Fellow at the Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue in Vienna, Honorary Fellow of the Parkes Institute for the Study of Jewish/non-Jewish Relations at the University of Southampton and Associate Editor of Patterns of Prejudice. He was founding director of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research (1996-99, and 2006-09), one of the founders of Independent Jewish Voices and a member of the Advisory Committee of the Holocaust Exhibition at the Imperial War Museum. He was founding editor of Antisemitism World Report (1992-98) and Editor of the Jewish Quarterly (1964-85). He is the author of The Making and Unmaking of a Zionist: A Personal and Political Journey (London, 2012), editor of Do I Belong? Reflections from Europe (London, 2017), co-author of Bad News for Labour: Antisemitism, the Party and Public Belief (London, 2019) – and most recently the author of Whatever Happened to Antisemitism? Redefinition and the Myth of the ‘Collective Jew’ (London, 2022). He has written for the Independent, Guardian, Haaretz, New York Times, New Statesman, Prospect, the Nation, London Review of Books, aufbau, tachles, Congressional Quarterly, Jewish Chronicle, Red Pepper, Jewish Quarterly, openDemocracy, Jewish Renaissance and other publications. 

Location: Central European University, QS D002 Tiered, Quellenstrasse 51, 1100 Vienna. 

The teach-in can be followed on-site or online. Registration is required in both cases and limited to CEU affiliates.  

*Registration is required by 5 pm on May 27th, Zoom link provided after registration. 

In continuation of previous teach-ins, and in an effort to bring academic expertise to open up spaces for collective discussion and learning, we announce a series of events under the title Theorizing Injustice: Conceptual Conversations on Palestine. 

The Teach-in Series is hosted by the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at CEU. Following our disciplines’ commitment to critical thinking, located expertise, and conceptual reflection, the series brings together a renowned group of experts with a variety of views, academic traditions, and subjectivities. The views of invited speakers do not necessarily represent those of CEU as an institution.