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CCC Colloquium: Representation, Computation, and Costs in Human Planning

Mark Ho
Monday, June 10, 2024, 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Speaker: Mark Ho (New York University)

Title: Representation, Computation, and Costs in Human Planning

Abstract: One of the most striking features of human intelligence is our capacity to rapidly and flexibly plan. Planning enables us to solve myriad everyday problems---e.g., planning how to complete a list of errands on a busy day---but planning is also cognitively demanding. How do we effectively plan despite fundamental constraints on our time, memory, and attention? My talk will cover recent work investigating the principles that underpin efficient planning and how the need to manage planning costs influences cognition. In particular, I will discuss several projects that aim to tease apart how different kinds of cognitive costs (e.g., complexity costs, switch costs, simulation costs) systematically shape people's representations and behavior. 

Time: 3 PM, Monday, June 10, 2024

Zoom: Zoom link will be sent around on the department's Talks mailing list. If missed, please ask Mihály Bányai.