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Converging trends in doctoral education

Panel Discussion
Image credit: CEU / Zsolt Marton
Thursday, June 13, 2024, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Representatives of CEU and the Austrian Network of Higher Education Research (Netzwerk Hochschulforschung Österreich - HOFO) will discuss experiences with structured doctoral programs, PhD-student support and trajectories, as well as the evolution of doctoral education.


  • Agnes Batory (Pro-Rector for Faculty and Research, CEU)
  • Bianca Lindorfer (Center for Doctoral Studies, University of Vienna)
  • Birgit Woitech (FWF, Austrian Science Fund)
  • Michael Merlingen (Director, Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy, and International Relations, CEU)

Moderator: Michael Kozakowski (Yehuda Elkana Center, CEU)

This roundtable is part of HOFO's networking event, open to all members of the CEU community. Most parts of the networking event will be held in German, please see the whole program here.