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End-of-term Workshop of the Advanced Certificate in Romani Studies Students

student workshop
Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 2:30 pm – 6:30 pm

End-of-term Workshop of the Advanced Certificate in Romani Studies Students

19 June 2024

Central European University, Vienna, Quellenstrasse 51, Room A415
and online on Zoom. 
For online participation please register here.

14:30-14:45 Welcome by

  • Angela Kocze, Chair of the Romani Studies Program at CEU
  • Marton Rovid, Visiting Professor, Romani Studies Program at CEU

14:45-15:30 Panel 1

  • Gopalas Michaliovskis (Cultural Heritage Studies Program): Exploring and addressing the destruction of Roma heritage: the case of Parubanka, a demolished Roma settlement in Lithuania
  • Lavinia Laluna Lucie Seidel (Nationalism Studies Program): Resistance and Agency of Sinti and Roma in the Early 20th Century in Bavaria: Media Analysis of the newspaper “Münchner Neueste Nachrichten”
  • Dora Oprics (Legal Studies) The 2022 Hungarian Child Protection referendum and the civil society campaign that made it invalid

15:30-16:00 Break

16:00-16:45 Panel 2

  • Stelina Dungaj (Sociology and Social Anthropology): Voices in Transition: A Comprehensive Analysis of Albanian Romani Women in Greece Navigating and Challenging Patriarchy and Gender Inequality Prior to and Following Migration
  • Natalia Noskovicova (Political Science): Secular Coat and Catholic Cassock? Czech and Slovak Anti-Gender Movements in a Comparative Perspective
  • Viktoria Krizanova (Legal Studies): Breaking the silence: Exploring Menstruation in Romani Communities in Slovakia

16:45 – 17:15 Break

17:15-17:45 Panel 3

  • Slobodan Stankovic (Sociology and Social Anthropology): From Dumpsters to Informal Markets: Ethnography of Romani Trash Pickers in Belgrade
  • Dorina De Jonge (Legal Studies): Roots & Routes: a podcast about climate justice, human rights and the stories of people displaced by environmental degradation

17:45-18:00 Closing words by Angela Kocze, Chair of Romani Studies Program

18:00 Pizza and Drinks in 4th Floor Lounge

External (not from CEU) guests can register in advance by writing to Esther Holbrook:

More information about the Advanced Certificate in Romani Studies: