3-4 October 2024
CEU N15 Quantum room
The workshop is within the ERC Project “Taming the European Leviathan: The Legacy of Post-War Medicine and the Common Good” (LEVIATHAN).
The project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 854503)
Draft program as of 9 July 2024
Agata Ignaciuk (Associate professor, Department of the History of Science/Women's and Gender Studies Institute/Secretary, Dynamis Journal for the History of Medicine, Health and Science - University of Granada, Spain)
"Countertechnologies of care: vacuum aspiration abortion in communist Poland."
Ivana Dobrivojević Tomić (Principal research fellow, Institute for Contemporary History, Belgrade, Serbia)
"Whose body, whose choice? Women, sexuality, and reproductive policy in socialist Yugoslavia"
Eszter Varsa (Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of History, CEU)
“Reproductive politics and Roma in state socialist Hungary”
Elena Brodeala (Lecturer, Kent Law School, UK)
“Reproduction, Sexuality and the Body in Socialist Romania”
Marius Taba (London, UK)
„Racialization of Roma in Europe after 1950 redefinition(s) of Race: social experiments, demographic policies and genetic studies”
Dora Vargha (Professor of History and Medical Humanities, Humboldt University)
David Peace (Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Hamburg)
Agnieszka Koscianska (Professor, Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Warsaw)
Judit Sandor (Professor, CEU)
Viola Laszlofi (Junior researcher, LEVIATHAN project)
Eva Foldes (Senior research, LEVIATHAN project)
Marton Varju (Senior research, LEVIATHAN project)
Peter Kakuk (Senior research, LEVIATHAN project)
Barna Szamosi (Postdoctoral researcher, LEVIATHAN project)