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Hotspots of Democracy

Hotspots of Democracy

The Hotspots of Democracy debate series aims at providing the academic community, as well as related experts and interested public, with immediate and competent overview of countries and regions where democratization is endangered. The online discussions also give an analytical follow-up to previous or already settled conflicts related to democratic processes in different countries.

Two types of debates are envisioned in the series: One would focus on actual “hotspots” where the crisis of democracy is taking place (e.g. Belarus, Hong Kong, Bulgaria). These debates will analyze and interpret the current state of affairs, the international context and shed light on the possible outcomes of the situation. The other type of discussion will mostly elaborate on the post-conflict situations, the conclusions and lessons learnt, the fulfilment of the expectations of the stakeholders and new power relations (e.g. Ukraine, Turkey, Serbia).

Laura Faludi, David Scott Mathieson, Wai Wai Nu, Moderator: Liviu Matei
Joanna Klabisch, Shi Ming, Richard Turcsanyi, Discussant: Sandor Kusai, Moderator: Agota Revesz
Elizaveta Fokht, Michael Ignatieff, Ivan Krastev, Sergey Lagodinsky, Olga Sidorovich, Dimitry Kochenov (moderator)
Kateryna Bornukova, Anaïs Marin, Artyom Shraibman, Gábor Tóka, Kenneth S. Yalowitz, Miklós Haraszti