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CEU Building

Department of Public Policy

The Department of Public Policy (DPP) is a multidisciplinary institution focused on the study of global public policy issues both in theory and in practice. Through excellence in teaching and research, DPP aims to create an educational experience that involves not only the acquisition of skills and knowledge but also the cultivation of a mindset that emphasizes entrepreneurship, innovation, cultural awareness and commitment to the public good.

Anders Fänge
Budapest Site | Oktober 6 u. 7
Karin Landgren
Budapest Site | Oktober 6 u. 7
Rezaur Rahman
Budapest Site | Oktober 6 u. 7
Sara Svensson , Uwe Puetter, Daniel Monterescu
Budapest Site | Nador u. 9, Monument Building
Omar Al-Ghazzi
Budapest Site | Oktober 6 u. 7