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Romaphobia: The Last Acceptable Form of Racism

Friday, May 19, 2017, 4:00 pm

The Roma in European Societies at Central European Universitycordially invites you to the panel discussion

Romaphobia: The Last Acceptable Form of Racism

Speaker: Dr. Aidan McGarry, Principal Lecturer in Politics at the University of Brighton, UK

Discussants: Dr. Márton Rövid, Jelena Jovanovic, RAP Alumna, Simona Torotcoi, PhD. Candidate

Moderator: Dr. Iulius Rostas, Chair of Romani Studies, Central European University

Abstract: Based on first-hand accounts from Roma communities, Romaphobia is an examination of the discrimination faced by one of the most persecuted groups in Europe. Well-researched and informative, it shows that this discrimination has its roots in the early history of the European nation-state, and the ways in which the landless Roma have been excluded from national communities founded upon a notion of belonging to a particular territory. Romaphobia allows us to unpick this relationship between identity and belonging, and shows the way towards the inclusion of Roma in society, providing vital insights for other marginalized communities

About the speaker: Dr. Aidan McGarry is a Principal Lecturer in Politics at the University of Brighton, UK. His research has been published in Nationalities Papers, Social Movement Studies, Critical Social Policy, Ethnopolitics, Ethnicities, Ethnic and Migration Studies, amongst others. He is the author of two books: Who Speaks for Roma? Political Representation of a Transnational Minority Community (2010: Continuum) and Romaphobia: The Last Acceptable Racism in Europe (2017: Zed). He has also co-edited two books: The Politics and Discourses of Migration in Europe (2013: Palgrave) and, with James Jasper, The Identity Dilemma: Social Movements and Collective Identity (2015: Temple University Press). He is currently the Principal Investigator of a £250,000 Arts and Humanities Research Council project ‘Aesthetics of Protest’ which explores the intersection between art, protest and social media.