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Careers in Human Rights

Panel Discussion
Careers in
Monday, May 11, 2020, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Join our online panel discussion and learn from three alumni practitioners about their work in the field of human rights. Our panelists will talk about their career paths, offer insights into the field, give advice on how to establish and build a human rights career, and discuss how Covid-19 might impact the human rights sector.

CEU Alumni Panelists:

Ada Paprocka (LEGS ‘09)  Assistant Lawyer, European Court of Human Rights

Ada Paprocka is Assistant Lawyer at the Council of Europe - the European Court of Human Rights since 2016. Before her current role, Ada has worked as Senior Jurisprudence Advisor at the Office of the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland and as Research Associate at the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Science.

Catherine Turner (IR ’98)  Consultant, specialist in international human rights, transparency and development advocacy, experienced in the not-for-profit sector

Catherine Turner is a specialist in international human rights, transparency and development advocacy. Now working as a consultant, Catherine has extensive experience in the not-for-profit sector, most recently as Acting CEO/Deputy Director at the international aid transparency campaign, Publish What You Fund. Before that, she led strategy and campaigns successfully over a number of years at organisations, such as World Vision UK, Anti-Slavery International and Amnesty International.

Veszna Wessenauer (LEGS ‘14) Research Manager, Ranking Digital Rights

Veszna Wessenauer is currently a Research Manager at Ranking Digital Rights in Budapest and Washington. Since graduating from CEU, Veszna has worked in a variety of human rights related roles with organizations like Political Capital, Tom Lantos Institute or Bocconi University as consultant, analyst or researcher.


Spring 'Careers in' Event Series 

Aimed at introducing different professional areas and related career paths, our 'Spring Careers in’ online series will focus on the fields of human rights, research and academia, business law, and the NGO sector. Our guests will share their stories, give sector-specific career advice, and talk about the impacts of Covid-19 on their fields.