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OSCE Employer Presentation (Graduate Students)

International organizations visual
Friday, April 23, 2021, 9:00 am – 11:00 am

With 57 member states from across Europe, Central Asia, and North America, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) is the world's largest regional security organization. The OSCE addresses issues that have an impact on common security, including arms control, terrorism, good governance, energy security, human trafficking, democratization, media freedom and national minorities.

In this two-hour interactive webinar, recruitment representatives of the OSCE will guide you through the process of preparing, practicing, and evaluating competency-based interviews with the OSCE.

During this session you will learn more about: 

  • The value of gaining professional experience through the OSCE
  • Best practices for approaching competency-based interviews
  • Using the STAR method to ace your interview with the OSCE

The session includes individual work and peer conversation, so be ready to interact!

Vacancies at OSCE are open for competition only amongst nationals of its 57 participating States. However, many of the strategies shared during this session will also be relevant if you are considering applying to other international organizations.


Sakina Saodatkadamova, Talent Officer in the OSCE Secretariat in Vienna, has over 14 years of experience working for the OSCE in the field of HR management. She served for 4 years as the HR Officer for the OSCE Mission in Kosovo and prior to that managed the HR Section of OSCE’s Programme Office in Dushanbe, in her home country Tajikistan. She holds a graduate degree in Intercultural Communications from Moscow State University and an MBA from Steinbeis University in Berlin.

Neda Noveljic joined the HR unit of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro in 2018, where she is responsible for a range of activities in HR and recruitment. She has a degree in English Language and Literature and served on several projects managed by the European Agency for Reconstruction and the national broadcaster, both in administrative roles and human resources, prior to joining the OSCE.

Yaroslava Tereshchenko received a master’s degree in International Economic Relations at the Kyiv Institute of International Relations. She worked for years in the corporate sector, before joining the OSCE as a HR Assistant in Ukraine.

International Organizations Event Series

This event is part of the International Organizations Event Series. We also invite you to register for:

The roles presented during employer events will be primarily for graduate students. Future career programming will also include employer events geared towards undergraduate students.

This event will be held via Zoom. Please register in advance to receive the event link.

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