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Careers in Research & Academia (All Students)

Panel Discussion
Careers in Research & Academia 2021
Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Interested in pursuing a career in academia or research and wondering what options are available? In addition to universities, researchers work in a wide range of different sectors and industries, including think tanks and research institutes, NGOs, international organizations, governments, and cultural institutions such as museums. Join our online panel discussion to hear from CEU master's and doctoral alumni about their careers in research and academia.

During this event, you will learn about:

  • A range of career paths in research and academia
  • How to leverage knowledge and skills you gain through your studies in social sciences and humanities
  • How to establish and build a career as a researcher or an academic
  • The impact of Covid-19 on different academic and research careers


Alexandra Medzibrodszky (HIST PhD’20) is a Research Impact Officer at Trilateral Research, a UK and IE-based enterprise focusing on developing new data-driven technologies and contributing to the latest standards in safeguarding privacy, ethics and human rights within the public and private sector. Alexandra supports communication tasks for EU funded projects, her area of expertise is research communication and digital marketing, she is interested in questions of intercultural communication and efficient impact stories. She completed a marketing internship at Cornell University Press in the USA and also worked as a Project Coordinator for the learning management system at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, UK. Alexandra’s academic background is in the Humanities, she holds degrees in Translation and Interpreting and Russian Studies from the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary, followed by her PhD in Comparative History program at CEU.

Brian Fabo (POLSCI’12) After graduating from CEU, Brian went on to work with several think-tanks around Europe, including the  Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels. Later on, he received his PhD in Economics from the Tilburg University in the Netherlands. Since 2017 Brian has worked as a Senior Research Economist at the National Bank of Slovakia. Over the years he has been involved in a variety of research and policy projects on the European level. In 2020 he has been awarded the Martin Filko Prize for outstanding contribution to economic research and evidence driven policy in Slovakia.

Sorin Cebotari (POLSCI’13) Sorin has diverse work experience both in the private sector and academia. Joining Schneider Electric right after his graduation, Sorin worked as a business consultant there for more than a year.  During his work as Schneider, Sorin applied to and won a Marie Curie Fellowship studying renewable energy projects and their impact on peripheralization. He got his PhD in Geography in 2017 from Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj and after 2 years of paternity leave he works as senior research manager for an Austrian start-up, weTHINK while at the same time Sorin launched a popular science communication project "" with the aim to popularize scientific arguments regarding climate change in Romania and promote science based coverage of the subject.

Zsuzsanna Vegh (IRES'12) is a lecturer and research fellow at the Chair of Comparative Politics of the European University Viadrina, and an associate researcher at the European Council on Foreign Relations. Previously, she worked at the Center for European Neighborhood Studies of Central European University and at the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs. She holds MA degrees in International Relations and European Studies from Central European University, and in International Studies from the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. Her research interests include Hungarian EU and foreign policy, Central European cooperation formats, including the Visegrad Group, the EU’s relations with its eastern neighborhood, and the radical right in the EU. She is currently pursuing her PhD in political science at the European University Viadrina.



During the Spring Careers in Event Series you will learn about different professional areas and related career paths. We also invite you to register for:

This event will be held via Zoom. Please register in advance to receive the event link