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[Event Cancelled] Democracy Day / Demokratietag

Bildquelle: Livelyrix X Chromotopia ©Victoria Coeln, Bildrecht 2019
Thursday, October 5, 2023, 10:00 am – 7:30 pm

We, as co-hosts of the event, are very sorry to inform you about the cancellation of the Demokratietag 2023. In light of recent events and irreconcilable differences in addressing consequences, we do not see a basis for hosting a joint event in this constellation. 


"Manipulation – Polarisation – Resistance: On the future of the media public sphere"

„Manipulation – Polarisierung – Widerstand: Zur Zukunft der Medienöffentlichkeit“

On Oct 5th CEU together with Wiener ZeitungSORA and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung will co-host the second edition of Democracy Day, from 10am to 7:15pm at CEU Campus, Quellenstrasse 51, 1100 Vienna.

Top keynote speakers and panelists from media, academia and politics will evaluate the current challenges of media policy. How polarized are we actually and where can we find a consensus?

The event will be held in German with possibility of translation into English.

The panels will be followed by a reception. This event is open to the public. To register, please click here.



10am: Opening remarks by Shalini Randeria (Rector CEU) and Jürgen Czernohorszky (Executive City Councillor for Climate, Environment, Democracy and Personnel) 

10am-10:30am: Keynote from Thomas Lux (HU Berlin)

10:30am-12pm: Panel discussion with Anna Durnová (Universität Wien), Maria Moser (Diakonie Österreich)

1pm-2:30pm: Panel discussion with Henrike Brandstötter (NEOS), Fritz Hausjell (Universität Wien, Reporter ohne Grenzen), Eva Konzett (Falter)

2:30pm-3pm: Coffee break

3pm-4:45pm: Parallel Panel Sessions 

I. Baustelle Medien with Maren Beaufort (ÖAW), Harald Fidler (Der Standard), Christina Krakovsky (OEAW), Florian Skrabal (Dossier), Klaus Unterberger (ORF), Mathias Zojer (Presseclub Concordia)

II. Next Generation of Public Figures fishbowl discussion with Nada Taha Ali Mohamed (WIENXTRA-Junges Wien), Clara Porák (andererseits, Netzwerk Klimajournalismus), Richard Tiefenbacher (Vorsitzender ÖGJ Gewerkschaftsjugend), Rihab Toumi (Vorstand Bundesjugendvertretung), Momina Khurshid (CEU student and activist), Johannes Wiener (artist, activist)

5pm-5:30pm: Panel sessions wrap up

Art intervention Victoria Coeln (Wiener Lichtblicke)

6pm-7:15pm Final Discussion (+ livestream) with

  • Victoria Coeln (Wiener Lichtblicke)
  • Maria Kronfeldner (CEU)
  • Ivo Mijnssen (NZZ, Foreign Press Association Austria)
  • Moderation: Wolfgang Renner (Wiener Zeitung)


Do., 5.10.2023, 10:00 – 19:30, CEU Vienna, Auditorium/Glass Hall, Quellenstraße 51, 1100 Wien


Online link:

Event in German – simultaneous translation to English partly provided.