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3rd Annual Late Antique and Byzantine Studies Graduate Workshop

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Friday, February 23, 2024, 9:00 am – 6:30 pm

The students of the Department of Medieval Studies at Central European University, and the Ancient, Byzantine and Medieval Studies Cluster of the Vienna Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies at the University of Vienna are co-organizing a Graduate Workshop of Late Antique and Byzantine Studies which will take place on February 23, 2024, in person at the Central European University campus building (Quellenstrasse 51, 1100, Vienna | D001).

This workshop is co-organised by graduate students of the Department of Medieval Studies at Central European University and of the Ancient, Byzantine and Medieval Studies Cluster of the Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies at the University of Vienna.

This workshop is conceived as a platform for graduate students from the University of Vienna and Central European University to present and receive feedback on their ongoing research, trial conference papers foster intellectual exchange, and explore possibilities for future cooperation.

Funded by the Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies and the Department of Medieval Studies at Central European University, and the Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies at the University of Vienna.



Registration and Welcome: 09:00-09:30

SESSION 1:  09:30-11:00 
(chair: Aleksandar Anđelović ) 

Olga Vlachou
Social Networks and Prosopography of 12th-Century Byzantium
Alejandro Laguna López
Creative Appropriation in Drosilla and Charikles. Niketas Eugeneianos' Contradictory Use of Models
Osman Kocabal
Celal Nuri's Book 'Rum ve Bizans': The Perception of Byzantine History in the Late Ottoman Period (1912–1918)

Coffee Break

SESSION 2: 11:15-12:15
(chair: Lewis Read) 

Mustafa Ada Kök
Antichrist in Purple: Ecclesiastical Invectives Against Constantius II
Georgi Mitov
Prayers and Their Performance in Byzantine and Slavonic Hagiography

Lunch break: 12:15 -13:15

SESSION 3: 13:15-14:45
(chair: Osman Yüksel Özdemir) 

Juan Bautista Juan Lopez
The Interplay of Pagan and Christian Thought in the late Byzantine period
Anastasiia Morozova
Emotionally Roman and Post-Roman: Emotive Scripts of Love and Cultural Translations in Cassidorus’s Variae 
Aleksandar Anđelović
Commemoration, Martyrdom, Identity-building: The Context of Psellos’ Funeral Oration for Keroullarios 

Coffee Break

SESSION 4: 15:00-16:30
(chair: Dunja Milenković) 

Alice Montalto
New research approaches to the study of the Codex Palatinus Graecus 398
Ivan Mileković
Material Culture and Neoplatonic Paganism in fifth century Athens
Liam Downs-Tepper
Protected by Blessings (and Walls): Further Examinations of Fortified Churches
Coffee Break

SESSION 5: 16:45-18:15
(chair: Aleksandar Anđelović ) 

Gaetano Longo
Damascius's Lectures on the Philebus
Daniel Niesyt
Augustine and the Concept of Introspection
Dunja Milenković
Prodromos's criticism of Porphyry's Isagoge 

Wine Reception: 18:30

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